4 Types of Christian Recovery Groups

By The Orlando Recovery Center
Editor Kelly Fitzgerald
Last Updated: September 13, 2024
The best part about the recovery community is that there are options for everyone, no matter what path you chose to walk in life. It’s not uncommon for people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction to learn about spirituality and how it can help them recover. Often, a higher power is spoke of in recovery and this higher power is sometimes called God. It makes sense then, that there are recovery groups that are unique for people who identify as Christians. If you’re looking for a place to continue your addiction recovery with religious foundations, these Christian recovery groups may be for you.
Christians In Recovery
Christians in Recovery is a group of people dedicated to one-on-one sharing of faith, hope, and strength as they live in recovery. They work together to regain balance in their lives by discussing the Bible, the 12 steps, and experiences in recovery from abuse, family dysfunction, depression, anxiety, grief, relationships and/or addictions of alcohol, drugs, food, pornography, and sex addiction.
Meetings are offered online and in-person. You can search on their website for meetings in your area. Memberships to Christians in Recovery are offered on a monthly or yearly basis starting at $15 per month. They have a library of printable and free books and workbooks about recovery available.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program that has principles based on Biblical truth. They use the original 12 steps combined with a matching scripture for each step. They have also established 8 principles that work together with the 12 steps tying recovery to Biblical teachings. In the Celebrate Recovery program, you do not get to choose your higher power. Jesus Christ is believed to be the one and only higher power. You can find a Celebrate Recovery meeting near you by looking on their website.
Alcoholics Victorious
Alcoholics Victorious is a network of Christian support groups for addicted persons. They also have some groups that have special meetings for loved ones of addicts. The common theme at Alcoholics Victorious is the idea that a shift needs to take place from dependence on addiction to dependence on Christ. Members strive to allow Jesus to become the guiding influence in their lives and lead them to recovery. Meetings are not meant to replace Alcoholics Anonymous, Ala-non or other support groups, but rather serve as a compliment to these recovery communities for individuals who has chosen to identify Jesus Christ as their higher power. In AV meetings, both the 12 steps and the Alcoholics Victorious Creed are used and members share their struggles and victories.
Alcoholics For Christ
Affectionately called “A/C,” Alcoholics for Christ in an interdenominational, non-profit Christian fellowship that provides recovery support for three types of addiction related issues: alcoholic or substance abuse, family members who are close to an alcoholic or addict, and adult children of alcoholics and addicts. This fellowship uses the “Word of God” as its primary source of direction and meeting moderators consider themselves to be “born again,” compassionate Christians who are dedicated to serving Jesus Christ. The main goal of this fellowship is to restore the alcoholic or substance abuser, affected family member, or adult child, to a dedicated relationship with Jesus Christ. There are meetings located around the country, as well as in several countries around the world.
These meetings and groups are a great way to find religious support while in recovery. They are not meant as a replacement for treatment or medical help, but in-person meetings with individuals who are on your same path can be a life changing component to recovery.
Start on the road to recovery today. Contact us at 833-620-2266.